Tuesday, November 11, 2008


So David had the idea that we should have French be the New Years theme this year. I think it's hilarious and has my vote. (Note- I'm not saying this is the New Years theme.)


jonny nu said...

im not dressin fag. we could do doppelganger theme where we could all do a parody of each other. we can all call dibs on someone and you have to dress up as say, julian for instance; then you have to do your hair all silly and where glasses and shit. just a thought.

Jen said...

Yeah, I too am thinking the dudes won't really be down for it. Devin does pull a mean limp wrist and talking lisp though.

Besides, if French shows up, he like wouldn't have to dress up or anything, now would he?

Doppelganger theme sounds fun. Hell, Flo practically wears the same pants as me. But I don't feel like dressing up as a drunken perverted asshole on New Year's.

Maybe do it old school and draw names from a hat?