Thursday, March 5, 2009

Feel the Bubbles

Shot by Ty Evans with Bob skating. Shit is epic as fuck. And its at the SJ park... That would have been grarbars to see


One2th said...

Wow, that was cool

Jen said...

It was interesting seeing the process that went into the commercial, but it was kinda ridiculous too. The first day of work, when people were just doing production stuff, Bob didn't skate the park AT ALL. He just chatted on his cell, while being followed around by his high maintenance-looking girlfriend, and hung out a big fancy motor home thing. Rune, on the other hand, did skate the park a little bit, but nothing too gnarly really.


I guess with the business aspect, he was being paid to skate IN the commercial, and I guess they couldn't risk if he got injured during offtime...which is lame...because Rune was the backup anyway.

And in the commercial crew there were these group of skater guys that were just total kooks, especially one of them. He was like filming EVERY-SINGLE-LITTLE-THING with his camera, as his ever miniscule conversation he was having with someone was an exclusive interview.

I do have to say though that my sympathies go out to the people that were hired to blow up all those balloons. I don't know how they kept their sanity (if they were sane enough to take on the job). It got kinda painful watching them blow up and tie off balloons after awhile. Actually, y'know, I take back my sympathy. They chose to do that job...they probably just didn't realize how much it was going to suck!

And to think that when I called Jon to let him know they needed extra hands, he coulda been stuck doing that! Good thing the Big 5 gig was already going for ya dude!