Monday, March 2, 2009

This one's for the fellas!

Thought I'd post some eye candy for you gents to claim. Swedish chicks are always hot, but one that skates as well? Now that's a winner. You can thank me later for posting this.


Tristan said...

I'd always film to get the ass shot

and... MINE!

jonny nu said...

first off, she skates like you tristan. and second, repeat the audio at 1:31. hehe alright...

Jen said...

Dude, said it all.

A part of me thought she was Tristan-esque too, and I had a feeling he'd be the first to claim her.

So, yeah, I actually had an ulterior motive with this. And it proved me right. Word.

One2th said...

You (tristan) and her would have a child that looks Identical to both of you and you would be a family of triplets.

Miles Gehm said...

thank you later